TENDER NUMBER 6000006830
OPENING DATE 2022-03-28
CLOSING DATE 2022-04-11
Conduct external IWUL audits for 3 each IWULs for different pits.
The scope of work must cover the following:
Conduct external IWUL audits for 3 each IWULs for different pits.
The scope of work must cover the following:
• Data acquisition about the existing for each IWUL reports from the mine.
• Develop a pre-audit checklist and conduct the audit through the checklists for each IWUL
• Conduct the audit at all the mine facilities• Inspect and assess each facility on site.
• Develop plans and maps as part of the IWUL report
• Update the plan for the water monitoring sampling points around the mine.
• Develop audit reports showing compliance and non-compliance.
The report illustrate the compliance and non-compliance of the mine in percentages.
• The audit feedback/report must be presented to the mine management for commenting purposes
• Submit three different reports for each IWUL on or before 15 June 2022.
TENDER NUMBER 6000006821
OPENING DATE 2022-03-23
CLOSING DATE 2022-03-27
The required Cooking Equipment is comprised of the following:
OPENING DATE 2022-03-23
CLOSING DATE 2025-01-23
TENDER NUMBER 6000006817
OPENING DATE 2022-03-23
CLOSING DATE 2022-03-27
TENDER NUMBER 6000006820
OPENING DATE 2022-03-23
CLOSING DATE 2022-03-27